Guidelines on the Education of Researchers and Research Staff regarding Responsibilities and Disclosures Related to Researcher Conflict of Interest
- Revision of Conflict of Interest Policies that Alter Requirements of Researchers:
When ETSU Conflict of Interest policies are revised that impact the requirements of
researchers, researchers are notified through a variety of mechanisms, including:
- Posting of notices and the revised policy on the IRB and/or Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA) websites;
- Distribution of an IRB Newsletter;
- Email notice sent to all investigators; and
- Special training sessions if revisions are complex.
- New Researchers hired at ETSU: When new faculty are hired, multiple approaches are
utilized to ensure they are aware of ETSU’s Conflict of Interest Policies, including:
- Annual new faculty orientation sessions and follow-up sessions scheduled as needed;
- Compliance lectures included in Grant Leadership Course offered to new faculty; and
- CITI Conflict of Interest Training and submission of ETSU Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form required prior to submission of any research proposal.
- Researcher Noncompliance with Conflict of Interest Policies and Procedures
- If a researcher fails to comply with our disclosure policy, researcher will be educated about the policy and a research award will not be made until the researcher complies
- If a researcher fails to comply with a Conflict of Interest Management Plan:
- Funding for the research project may be suspended or terminated; or
- The IRB approved protocol may be suspended or terminated.
- Researcher must attend mandatory education session with the Vice Provost for Research and Compliance Manager