Documenting Community Traditions: Sustainable Agriculture in Northeast Tennessee
For eight years, ATP students have worked with the Town of Unicoi and Unicoi County, Tennessee, on projects that contribute to the town and county's efforts to promote sustainable development through the arts, local farming, and agri-, eco-, heritage, and cultural tourism. In 2013, the students continued to document the county's agricultural heritage, by designing a museum exhibition on the history of farming in Unicoi County, 1945-2000, based on interviews done by ETSU students from 2010 to 2013 and mounted at the Reece Museum from March through June 2014. The exhibition panels will be donated to the Town of Unicoi after the exhibition closes. The project will promote sustainable economic development and foster cultural preservation.
Contact Information:
Tess Lloyd, Ph.D.
East Tennessee State University
Department of English
P.O. Box 70683
Johnson City, TN 37614
Telephone: (423) 439-6677